Quick Quotes: Lee Daniels Says ‘STAR’ is Meant to Make “White People to Feel Good About Being White”…

Newsflash! It’s a new day, it’s a new dawn and now it’s time for Black producers to ‘bow down’ to the status quo.

Lee Daniels recently released his new FoxTV show ‘Star’ which aims to address the grit and grime he endured on his come-up while also exploring race “in a way we haven’t seen before.”

When asked about his decision to cast the show with a White leading actress as opposed to a Black one, Daniels states he was hoping to quell rising racial tensions by catering to the fragile White ego.

Details below…

Daniels states in a recent Ebony interview:

We are in a very dangerous state right now in our country and I wanted White people to feel good about being White because right now, there?s a lot of hatred going on.

He explains before further detailing the story he created:

It started out with this White girl that was just badass and would do anything: kill, rob, have sex, whatever to get to the top. Then, I realized as I was writing, that it was more about a girl group.

Their whole world is about what happened to me when I left home and went to Hollywood and the struggles I went through.

So I guess Lee Daniels sees himself as a blond white chick… *sigh*

On a related note, Tyler Perry has similar views about his new show, ‘Too Close To Home,’ which has an all-white cast:

?I?m just finding out more as I travel the country and world, the more I meet people, we?re all the same,? he said.

?We all got the same dramas. So I?m not seeing color as much as I did anymore in the sense of our stories. Our stories are so similar.?

Interesting… I’m noticing somewhat of a trend with these two producers.

What are your thoughts on this new ‘shift’?

Will seeing more White actors on Black TV shows ease some of the racial tensions?