OPEN POST: What’s Wrong With This Picture? State Farm Deletes Post Featuring Interracial Couple After Racist Responses…

State Farm Insurance found out the hard way that racism still exists when they received a barrage of complaints over an innocent twitter post.

When the company tweeted a photo of an?African-American man proposing to a young white woman on Christmas day, it received a ton of backlash from angry white supremacists.

Apparently, the ad was so disturbing to several?individuals that?they even threatened to boycott the popular insurance brand so what did State Farm do to increase the peace?

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State farm posted the photo above to highlight the holiday engagement season and they soon deleted it after?receiving hundreds of outraged responses.

Apparently the man in the photo is too Black and the woman he’s proposing to is way too?Caucasian to be featured on social media… at least according to several tweets the account received over the holidays:

But wait… there’s more! Several white supremacists hit the net to complain to the insurance company about the photo…

I blame Trump! ?Then again, it was always there, so maybe we should thank him for giving the lurkers the courage to come forward.

What do you think about all the online outrage over the interracial photo?