Gladys Knight’s Name Will Be Removed From ‘Chicken & Waffles’ Restaurants January 2017…

Earlier this Summer, Gladys Knight filed a lawsuit seeking to remove her name from her son’s Atlanta area Chicken & Waffles franchise after the business was hit with a slew of bad press stemming from tax issues and financial mismanagement (click HERE if you missed that)?and her son REFUSED to comply with her legal request.

[READ: WTF?!? Gladys Knight’s Son Refuses To Remove Famous Name From Restaurant…]

Well after months of legal wrangling, it seems that the legendary songstress and her son, Shanga Hankerson have finally come to an agreement over the use of Knight’s famous name.

Details below…

Knight and Hankerson reached a settlement in their family drama regarding the??Gladys Knight Chicken and Waffles? chain of eateries.

Knight had no role in the business and simply?allowed her son to use her famous name on the two Atlanta-area locations. ?She?subsequently filed a lawsuit seeking to remove her name and likeness from the business after it was?raided by the Georgia Department of Revenue back in June and?Hankerson was accused of theft and tax evasion.

According to Bossip, Hankerson, has now agreed to remove the?name and likeness ?of Gladys Knight from all locations by January 2017, and the deal will bring an end to the legal battle.

The settlement should make the holidays a little more peaceful for the family.

On the flip side, I don’t know how well the restaurant will do without Gladys Knight’s name attached to it.

How do you think?this new settlement will affect the Atlanta area ‘Chicken & Waffles’ restaurants?