Facebook Fail! Mom Installs Box Braids on 5 Month Old Daughter… (VIDEO)

A video is circulating on Facebook which purports to show a woman installing what appears to be box braids on a 5 month old infant!

If that ain’t a ‘fail’ I don’t know what is!

Video below…

VIDEO: WTF?!? 5 month old baby gets box braids installed
The mother subsequently deleted the video but not before it spread like wildfire on the social media site.

The woman who originally posted the video received several?hateful comments and death threats so she deleted?the video. ?But that didn’t stop it from going viral.

Several are now calling for a child services visit on the woman, who claims to be an aspiring actress.

Dayum shame what she did to that baby… *sigh*

What are your thoughts on the disturbing ‘baby box braids’ video?