WTF?! Kim Kardashian Suing Gossip Sites Who Post She Lied About Paris Robbery…

I haven’t blawgged about the Kim Kardashian robbery before now because frankly, I didn’t care about it. ?Now that Kim’s suing urban blawgs for insinuating that the robbery was fake, it’s getting a bit more interesting to me!

It’s being reported that Kanye’s wife is in the process of filing several lawsuits against the publishers of stories that accuse her of lying about the whole Paris robbery and the first one has apparently been filed against none other than MediaTakeOut.

Details below…

According to TMZ, Kim just filed a federal lawsuit against MediaTakeOut for alleging in at least 3 posts about her ordeal that she lied about her attack in Paris, one of which alleged there was evidence Kim “staged” the robbery.

In the lawsuit, obtained by TMZ, Kim says the site used random people off social media as its sources.

MediaTakeOut?also posted a story about “French authorities” suspecting Kim had actually “let the robbers in” the apartment.

The final indignity, according to the suit by her lawyers Marty Singer and Andrew Brettler, was a post about Kim’s insurance claim.

She says MediaTakeOut reported, “If she faked the robbery … she just committed a FEDERAL CRIME.”

Kim says she immediately sicced her legal team on the site … demanding they retract the posts and apologize, but got no response. So now, she’ll see ’em in court.

Meanwhile, there are several ‘spoof’ sites reporting the same thing (which is probably where MTO) got their sources.

For the record, the Huffington Post fell for one the other day when one of their correspondents reported that Kardashian ‘had lied’ about the robbery and cited a spoof site as a source.

The story had been circulating on twitter for about an hour before they quickly deleted the bogus story from their servers.

[Sidebar: I wonder if HuffingtonPost got the same legal letter that MTO ignored.]

What do you think of Kim Kardashian’s potential lawsuit against MediaTakeOut?