5 Things Bobby Brown Revealed During His #ABC2020 Interview + Watch Full Video…

R&B singer Bobby Brown‘s life story is sure to be a best seller as his personal life and career has been one of the most talked about in entertainment history.

Brown recently sat down with ABC News? Robin Roberts for a special edition of ?20/20,? where he discusses a few details revealed in his new memoir, ?Every Little Step.?

[READ: Bobby Brown Admits He Failed Bobby Kristina + Blames Nick Gordon For Her Death… (VIDEO)]

He opened up about his journey from New Edition, to launching a Grammy-winning solo career, to his past relationships, including his sexual relations with a ghost, marriage to Whitney Houston and the untimely death of daughter, Bobbi Kristina.

Check out 5 things revealed during Brown’s appearance on ABC 20/20 + watch video of the exclusive interview below…

VIDEO: Bobby Brown ABC 20/20 (Part 1)

Brown Says New Edition Was Paid $500 and Given a VCR for Hit ‘Candy Girl’

Growing up in Boston, Brown and his friends got together in 1982 to sing for “talent night” at the Strand Theater in Boston. They came in second place, but they caught the attention of a local music producer who helped them record their first album and get a record deal as New Edition. The following year, the group had their first breakout hit with “Candy Girl.”

The group was paid $500 and given a VCR for “Candy Girl.” Brown said they spend the money to buy mo-peds.

[FLASHBACK: Wanna See New Edition On The Big Screen? Watch ‘NE Hearbreak – The Movement’…]

They were stars before they were out of junior high school, but by 1985, ongoing tensions in the group led Brown to launch a solo career.

“I was voted out of the group,” Brown told Roberts. “I would do the opposite, you know, of what they told New Edition to do. I was my own man at a young age. And I just wanted what I wanted.”

Brown Claims He Had Sex with a Ghost

Brown became the “it” guy of 1989, known for his high energy dancing and living, indulging in drugs and woman. He claims he had slept with?Janet Jackson?and Madonna, but also with a ghost.

“I bought this mansion in Georgia… this was a really, really spooky place,” Brown told Roberts. “But yes, one time, I woke up, and yeah, a ghost. I was being mounted by a ghost. I wasn’t high… I was not trippin’.”

VIDEO: Bobby Brown ABC 20/20 (Part 2)

Brown Says Whitney Started Flirting With Him at 1989?Soul Train Awards

It was in 1989 that Brown would meet Whitney Houston, as she stood behind him at the 1989 Soul Train Awards.

“She was bumping into me at Soul Train,” Brown said. “I was like, ‘You keep bumpin’ into me.’ And I kept doing that. And I did it like two or three times, and she kept bumping me. And I asked her why, and she was like, ‘Because I want to.’ And that attitude, that whole thing right there… that’s the way it started.”

Brown Said the First Time He Saw Whitney Do Hard Drugs Was on Their Wedding Day

Brown and Houston were married in a lavish 1992 backyard ceremony at Houston?s mansion in New Jersey. She famously wore a $40,000 French lace gown and Brown wore a white tuxedo. They exchanged vows in front of 800 guests.

?I was deeply in love with her,? Brown said. ?For the rest of my life I think I will have that feeling towards her because she was that one person that knew me, that one person that had no judgment.?

Brown broke with tradition and saw his bride before the wedding ceremony. That was when, Brown said, he saw Houston do hard drugs for the first time. He said she offered him a hit of cocaine, but he didn?t indulge in that moment.

?She did drugs, but drugs didn?t do her. She knew how to handle herself,? Brown said, recalling the moment. ?It only made me, you know, love and want to protect her more at the time.?

Brown said he was not the one who started Houston?s drug habit, and claims they never allowed their daughter Bobbi Kristina to see them doing hard drugs.

?I always made a point to not let her see me or my wife in that type of situation, in that type of feeling,? Brown said. ?It?s hard when, you know, you?re doing it every day.?

[FLASHBACK: Watch ‘Being Bobby Brown’ Series Pilot… (VIDEO)]

Houston died on Feb. 11, 2012, after being found facedown in a water-filled bathtub with drug paraphernalia nearby. The Los Angeles County coroner ruled her death an accidental drowning. Bobbi Kristina was also found in a water-filled bathtub with a mix of drugs and alcohol in her system and spent six months in a coma before she died on July 26, 2015.

Houston?s representatives declined to comment for this report.

VIDEO: Bobby Brown ABC 20/20 (Part 3)
What Bobby Brown Is Like as a Husband and Family Man

Today, Bobby Brown leans on his wife and manager Alicia Etheredge-Brown. The couple married in June 2012 and they have two children together with a third on the way.

?He has feelings, he has emotions,? said Alicia Etheredge-Brown. ?I don?t think they [people] know that? He has a good days and bad days, and he struggles like everybody else. He gets on his knees and he prays and he asks for support and he has really strong faith.?

Bobby Brown said he continues to battle his self-admitted problem with alcohol but he said he no longer does drugs.

?When you?re living with somebody who has fought so many addictions and has come so far and then you see there is still something holding them back? you just want to help them,? Etheredge-Brown said. ?So I?m learning, obviously, with this process, how to be supportive.?

Looking ahead, Brown wants to do more acting and said he?s ?probably going to do one more album.? He is currently touring and coming out with a line of barbecue sauces.

Bobby Brown’s new book, ?Every Little Step,? is in stores on June 13.

What did you think of Bobby Brown’s 20/20 interview?