Christina Milian’s 5 Year Old Can Apply Make-Up Better Than You (But Not Really)… (VIDEO)

Everyone is star on the internet… so much so, that now even 5 year olds are offering make-up tutorials online!

Violet Madison Nash, the 5 year old daughter of Christina Milian & Terius ‘The-Dream’ Nash is the latest Instagram sensation after she seemingly applied a seemless ‘beat’ all by herself.

Details + watch video of Violet’s make-up ‘tutorial’ below…

Young Violet starts out already ‘beat’ with a plug for her mom’s favorite make-up line. While many were impressed with the video, it’s just like most online tutorials… all smoke & mirrors!

VIDEO: Violet Nash Makeup Tutorial

Violet was already made up at the beginning of the video (minus the lipstick). But she pretends to do her brows…

There’s also someone right beside her directing the young internet star during her make-up session…

Whatever the case, Violet emerged BEAT to the gawds!!

What do you think of young Violet’s make-up tutorial?