RECAP: 5 Things Revealed on ‘Being Mary Jane’ Season 3 Finale ‘Purging & Cleansing’ + Watch Full Video…

The explosive season finale of ‘Being Mary Jane‘ aired last night and I can honestly say, it was quite impressive!

The episode is appropriately titled ‘Purging and Cleansing’ as our embattled heroine Mary Jane Paul is faced with a series of events that lead to an epiphany of sorts as she rids herself of toxic energy in her life.

BET Synopsis:

Mary Jane goes on a date with GG and is put on the spot; David’s mom has a heart-to-heart with MJ; Kara finds herself in hot water at work.

For the record, that synopsis doesn’t do this episode justice AT ALL.? Between CeCe’s poetic justice and Neicy’s brush with the law, this episode was the most explosive yet!

Read recap + watch full video below…

VIDEO: Being Mary Jane Season 3, Episode 10 ‘Purging & Cleansing’
Exes are ‘Exes’ for a reason…

The episode begins with Mary Jane enjoying time with her new love interest but she’s interrupted by an impromptu visit from Simone, her ex boyfriend’s mother.

The first 5 minutes of the show is a precursor to MJ being ‘torn down’ to be built back up. David’s mom brings a ton of toxicity into Mary Jane’s house of glass as she forces Mary Jane to face a few hard truths.

Not only did David’s mom bring news of her new granddaughter, she also tries to encourage Mary Jane to speak ill of the situation, which she promptly refused.? Simone also brings up Lisa’s suicide, forcing Mary Jane to relive those hard reasons.

For whatever reason, David’s mother aslo comes to plead his case to Mary Jane… begging for forgiveness for David. David knows he messed up… He?s beyond sorry…. blah blah blah.

?You want what you want, and to hell with anyone else?s pain,? Mary Jane tells Simone. She then realizes where David gets his issues from.

“If you really… really want to help David, make him not to be like you.” ~ Mary Jane to Simone

We haven’t seen David all season long but he reappears during the finale.

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that Mary Jane runs into David, his wife and their newborn while out eating with Kara, but manages to keep her cool as the ‘happy family’ walks by.

The ‘David sighting’ is either a the sign of things to come or the end of an era. Whatever the case, he’s got a family now and they aren’t going any where anytime soon.

The ‘swirl’ isn’t for everyone…

Mary Jane?s brief foray into interacial dating ends almost as quickly as it begins.

After spending a ton of time in bed with her Caucasian club jump off, Mary Jane seems on the road to happiness… that is, until he convinces her to go OUTSIDE of the house with him!

Once she steps into the ‘real world’ with her new boo, Mary Jane soon notices the judgment on the faces of several African-Americans.

When a photo is leaked of her new love, Mary Jane becomes an instant ‘hot topic’ and even ends up being discussed among the ladies on ‘The Real.’

Not good. Now SNC wants to use Mary Jane’s personal life as a topic and she’s none too pleased but she plays along. It’s during her journalistic journey that Mary Jane decides that she prefer’s Black men, after all.

Especially when she realizes that her new boo is totally unable to grasp her daily struggle. White privilege is real and Mary Jane decides she isn’t willing and/or able to deal with it on a personal level.

So… it’s a wrap. Mary Jane is single again and back on the prowl.

?I like Black men… I want Black love.” ~ Mary Jane Paul

Battle of the ambitious Latinas finally comes to a head…

Kara’s jealously of Marisol almost gets her fired from her lucrative job at SNC.

Greg is pissed when he gets a call from HR about Kara accusing him of having an affair with a subordinate and while it’s certainly untrue, Kara is in deep doo doo!? Greg threatens to fire Kara if she doesn’t clear up the mess.

[Sidebar: How will Kara ever support her husband and kids without her job!!]

Kara makes a piss poor attempt at smoothing things over with Marisol and when she finally bites the bullet and asks for forgiveness, Marisol says she’ll only drop the case if she?s offered the anchor spot on Kara?s new show. *sigh*

Kara gets the spot but the case still proceeds as planned.

‘Barbara from HR’ arrives in Kara’s office to deliver the news that Marisol has moved forward with charges of sexual and racial harassment against her.

With the case over her head, Kara is told that she’s only allowed limited access to Marisol (who is now the talent on the show she produces!)? Sounds like Marisol pulled a coup!? She’s now running things as on air talent while Kara is forced to sit back and watch.

Even Kara should be impressed! ‘Dumb Latina’ my azzz…. 😆

CeCe gets ‘got’… FINALLY!

If you thought Mary Jane and CeCe were forming a friendship… you thought wrong!

After cutting checks to her extortioner for weeks, Mary Jane finally launched a plan to get Cece out of her life… and more importantly out of her wallet!

Mary Jane convinces CeCe that they could both make money by selling their story and of course CeCe is down for it!

The unlikely duo meets with a publisher to discuss their experience but sadly, it’s all a set up! A fake interview conducted in front of two undercover officers. CeCe details her entire extortion plot (on the record) and is finally busted for her extortion schemes!

As she’s escorted out in handcuffs, CeCe blows up calling?MJ a ?slutty drunk bitch? and also accused her of killing her best friend Lisa.

It’s the 2nd time someone’s brought up Lisa’s suicide and Mary Jane loses it! She’s done. There was a brief moment that she felt bad about her sting operation, but CeCe’s outburst confirmed she was doing the right thing..

“I almost let you get away with it but you got too greedy! You just took it too far! You came to my house, you asked for more money trying to take credit for something I built. I am sick of people taking it too far with me!” ~ Mary Jane to CeCe

Miss Loretta Devine never disappoints and even as a stud lezzbun she delivers!! CeCe makes a graceful exit after Mary Jane’s speech… even offering a tip of her hat for Mary Jane’s victory.

We are then treated to a montage of season 3’s most dramatic moments as ‘No More Drama’ plays in the background.

New car… new problems…

PJ buys Neicy a new car and she can’t even enjoy the sound system without being harrassed by the police!

Neicy is pulled over by the police and when asked why she’s being stopped, the officer advises her that her music was too loud.? Neicy refuses to give her id because as we all know, playing the radio isn’t against the law, and the officer decides to inquire about her tag… (it’s a new car, duh!)

Whatever the case, the officer is clearly hell bent on conflict and decides to drag Neicy out of her vehicle as her young child watches and as she protests, she’s tasered by another officer.

Niecy?s brutal ordeal is reminiscent of many true stories of police brutality (Sandra Blands story comes to mind) and it was uncomfortable to watch.

Art imitates life as Niecy’s assault is captured on video and coincidentally, Mary Jane’s staff is watching it all unfold.? As they try to convince MJ that they should tackle social injustices such as the arrest, Mary Jane recognizes the voice as that of her niece.

Mary Jane ‘purged and cleansed’ the entire episode only to be left to deal with even more horrific drama!

[Sidebar: If Niecy survives the assault, she’s gonna be due quite a check from the city!]

What did you think of the season finale’ of ‘Being Mary Jane’?