RUMOR CONTROL: Peter Thomas Responds To New Allegations He’s Cheating on #RHOA Cynthia Bailey…

Another day, another blawg runs with unfounded rumors and gossip about a celebrity break-up.

[Sidebar: Thank Gawd it’s not me!!! 😆 ]

This week, an internet sleuth picked up the story that Peter Thomas was spotted out at a Jill Scott concert surrounded by several lovely ladies and his wife, Cynthia Bailey of The Real Housewives of Atlanta, was apparently no where in sight.

Unfortunately, there was no story. At least according to Peter, who hit the net to respond to yet another allegation of cheating…

Just FYI… Cynthia and Peter are actually still?together so don’t believe everything you read on the net (insert side-eye).

Details + Thomas’ explanation below…

Peter is once again involved in online drama after being spotted in Charlotte attending a Jill Scott concert with a female friend (or two). ?After news hit the net,?Thomas immediately squashed all the hearsay, by posting the following explanation?via Instagram:

For the record, Peter and Cynthia were?definitely?a couple during Art Basel weekend?Miami (December 4-6).

The cute couple posed for the photos Art Basel events. I was even supposed to meet up with them that weekend but I was only in town for my friend’s mom’s funeral.

Whatever the case, it seems Peter can’t go anywhere without Cynthia Bailey without someone claiming he’s screwing the woman he’s with.?It’s a wrap.

I’m not saying the man’s a saint… I’m just saying talk is cheap and people often jump to conclusions. Hell, marriage is hard enough without people spreading false stories.

I’m wishing Cynthia and Peter the best, but being on a reality show certainly isn’t the best way to maintain a solid relationship. ?I’m just hoping their not faking it for a check… but then, it’s been done before.

[FLASHBACK: Would You Divorce Your Spouse For A Million Dollars? Ask Nene… ]

On a positive note, Peter is making sure is wife gets the message he still loves her…

Are you buying all of the Cynthia/Peter marital drama??