OPEN POST: What Would You Do If You Found ‘Questionable’ Photos of Your Man Online?

(Photo via IOB)

Ladies, if you found questionable photos of your man online (or better yet, in his phone) what would you do?? Would you brush it off as a corny joke, or would you be forced to seriously re-evaluate your relationship?

For example, Chef Roble has been in a few ‘questionable’ photos and he totally denies being gay (not that it matters one way or the other to me) but if you were dating him, would the photos be an issue?

[Flashback: Instagram on Blast! Chef Roble Plagued With Gay Rumors + He Responds… (PHOTOS)]

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Chef Roble & Adam Banks

A friend of Chef Roble’s BFF/business partner Adam Banks wrote an email on his behalf after reading about the questionable photo above.? She writes:

Subject: Chef Roble Rumors

Longtime fan and reader of your blog….tonight I came across the story about Chef Roble and his best friend Adam on your site. Adam is a relative by marriage. He is an incredibly talented Chef who is blessed to come from a family of talented and hard working culinary experts.

Nothing at all wrong with being gay, however it doesn’t describe Adam and neither does the term “sugar daddy”. That picture just shows his quirky, fun sense of humor. Both Roble and Adam are fortunate to travel the world and do exactly what they love and those of us who know them are very proud of those accomplishments.

All the best!

I totally believe it was merely a corny photo.? But ‘what if’ you found a similar photo of your dude chillin’ with his homeboys. Would you take it seriously or brush it off as a joke?

**Clearly none of the men above are straight.? These photos are being used for demonstrative purposes only!

How would you handle the conversation if you found ‘questionable’ photos of your significant other online??
