Why Ask Why? Mo’Nique Plans Podcast on ‘Open Relationships’…

NEWSFLASH! Actress/comedienne Mo’Nique is planning to put more of her relationship business on front street.

It was just a few weeks ago that Mo’Nique hit the net to offer ‘clarification’ about her ‘open marriage’ to business partner/husband Sidney Hicks (click HERE if you missed that).

Well now, Mo’Nique has announced that she and Sidney will speak candidly about their arrangement on a new podcast.

Details below…

Mo’Nique recently hit the tweets with the following announcement…

After getting a bit of backlash about her decision, Mo’Nique offered the following words of wisdom:

I honestly think that some things should remain private, but it seems Mo’Nique wants ‘the whole world’ to know about the intimate details of her marriage.? It’s her prerogative, she can do what she wants to do (in my Bobby Brown voice).

Will you be tuning in to hear more about Mo’Nique’s ‘open’ marriage?