Facebook Fail: Andrew ‘I’m Not Gay No More’ Caldwell Reveals His Girlfriend (But No One Believes Him)… [PHOTOS]

Andrew Caldwell and Girlfriend 2

Here we go again with more stunts and shows from Andrew ‘I’m Not Gay No More’ Caldwell!!

[FLASHBACK: Mugshot Mania: Andrew Caldwell Arrested for Fraud… ]

The internet superstar who publicly denounced being Gay, recently tried to out Kordell Stewart as being one of his many conquests (click HERE if you missed that), then he took it all back with a contrite statement saying it was all a lie and he never even met Kordell!

[READ: Andrew Caldwell Retracts Statements About Kordell Stewart… ]

Now he’s back online again with his shenanigans and claims that he’s now happily involved with a female companion.

Prince Side Eye

Details + more photos below…

Andrew Caldwell and Girlfriend 3

Caldwell shared the photo above as he cuddled with his new lady love, proclaiming he’s ‘officially DELIVERT’.

why you always lying?

As evidenced by the photo above, Andrew is merely seeking more online attention and his recent ‘stunt’ got him a slew of online comments and NOBODY is buying it.

What do you think of Andrew Caldwell’s latest revelation?

DEliver-T? or Nah?