NOT GUILTY! #LHHATL Momma Dee Issues Statement About Milwaukee Arrest…

Momma Dee of Love & Hip Hop Atlanta posed for the glamorous mugshot above arrested over the weekend after a birthday dinner with Shay ‘Buckeey’ Johnson went awry.

StraightFromTheA was first to report that Momma Dee (aka Deborah Bryant) was arrested in Milwaukee, WI last weekend after several patrons at her birthday dinner left without paying and stuck her with the tab.

[READ: Mugshot Mania – Momma Dee Arrested For Refusing To Pay Dinner Tab… ]

Momma Dee refused to pay for the deadbeat diners and was arrested.? She was subsequently released on $250 bond and continued partying for the remainder of the weekend.

Bryant hit up social media last night to speak out about the situation and she has no hard feelings for the ‘friends’ who stuck her with the bill.? In fact, she blames the establishment for targeting a ‘certain group of people’.

Read Momma Dee’s statement about the situation below…

Momma Dee posted the photo above via instagram, stating:

There you have it.

Momma Dee says’ it wasn’t her fault.? The charges have been dismissed and she doesn’t blame the ‘deadbeat diners’ for ditching out on the bill!

[Sidebar: I don’t know if I could be friends with someone who got me arrested.? I don’t care what the circumstances were!!? And wasn’t it Shay’s ‘amazing’ family that left her stuck with a $500 bill??? I can’t… not today!]

What do you think of Momma Dee’s statement?