NEWSFLASH! Nancy Gordeuk, the private school principal who gained national attention for a racially charged comment she made during a graduation ceremony has officially been fired.
[FLASHBACK: Viral Video: Principal’s Racist Remark Ruins Graduation + Her Response to Outrage (VIDEO)]
Later, Gordeuk’s son chimed in on his facebook page and used a racial slur in his comments prior to deactivating his account (click HERE if you missed that).
Well… after public outrage surrounding the situation, the board of directors for the school has voted to terminate Gordeuk from her position.
Details below…
According to WXIA-TV, the private school principal who gained national attention for a racially charged comment she made during a graduation ceremony has been fired.
Dr. Heidi Anderson, chair of the board of directors at TNT Academy, wrote in a letter sent to the Gwinnett County NAACP that the board voted to dismiss school director Nancy Gordeuk:
In light of recent events, the board of directors of TNT Academy has moved to dismiss Nancy Gordeuk as principal. During the coming transition, we will continue to prioritize support for our most recent graduates. Moreover, we will continue our commitment to providing students with the best educational classes, transcription services, and academic credit recovery possible.
Georgia NAACP President Francys Johnson said the organization is pleased with the board’s decision.
“Beyond the inappropriate remarks, the former principal attempted to legitimize the bizarre episode by claiming ‘the devil made her do it,'” Johnson said in a statement emailed to 11Alive News. “This is not just about Mrs. Gordeuk’s comments. The NAACP would defend Mrs. Gordeuk’s right as a private citizen to free speech. However, those entrusted with responsibility for our children must set a high standard marked by civility. That is obviously a test the former principal failed.”
TNT Academy is a non-traditional school for home-schooled students hoping to obtain accredited degrees.