The son of the Georgia educator whose rant about ‘all the Black people’ walking out when they thought a graduation ceremony had ended went viral over the weekend made a few disparaging remarks of his own recently.
[READ: Viral Video: White Georgia Principal Ruins Graduation With Racist Remark + Her Response… (VIDEO)]
During the same time Principal Nancy Gordeuk was apologizing and blaming the ‘devil’ for her words, her son, Travis Gordeuk (pictured above) was fanning the flames online and actually used the n-word in a Facebook tirade he posted in defense of his mom!
Details + screenshots below…
After footage went viral of TNT Academy’s graduation showing Gordeuk making what many feel were racist comments (click HERE if you missed that), she immediately sought to clear her name by accusing ‘the devil’ for her statements:
?The devil was in the house and came out from my mouth. I deeply apologize for my racist comment and hope that forgiveness is in your hearts,? Gordeuk wrote in an email to parents of students at the private school.
In several news interviews, the principal claimed that since the video went viral, she’s gotten a ton of mean emails and even some death threats, causing her son Travis Gordeuk, hit his Facebook page in defense of his mom.
Gordeuk replaced his ignorant posts with a Mother?s Day greeting and an apology of his own, writing:
?I hope everyone had a great mothers day and to everyone tgere [sic] are ppl hating getting on my page and posting shit so Imm [sic] sorry in advance if it happrbx [sic].?
Travis Gordeuk has since deactivated his facebook page altogether, but typing n***a in his online comment is a clear indication (IMO) that both he and his mother both are harboring some racial issues.
(Like they always say, the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree… smh!)
Just FYI, TNT Academy was founded by Gordeuk in Stone Mountain, Georgia, which just so happened to have once been a huge KKK territory.
Stone Mountain was once owned by the Venable Brothers. It was used as a rock quarry and was also the site of a cross burning and Ku Klux Klan activities. It was purchased by the State of Georgia in 1958. (WIKI).
Racism is real…