Comedian Chris Rock Documents DWB (Driving While Black) w/Selfies…

Chris Rock posted a selfie earlier this week to document his experience with police.

Rock posted the photo to his social media accounts early Tuesday, stating:

“Stopped by the cops again wish me luck.”

In the shot, the comedian can be seen behind the wheel of a car with blue police lights shining through his rear window.

While it’s not unusual for celebs and non-celebs alike to document their police stops these days, it seems Rock’s file is expanding since this was his 3rd stop in less than 2 months!

More photos + details below…

Some of Rock’s best comedic routines have been about how police officers interact with black men.?

[Sidebar: Never forget the skit below where Rock advised Blacks “how not to get your ass kicked by the police.”]

VIDEO: Chris Rock – How Not to Get Your Ass Kicked By Police…

Like the best comedians, Rock speaks from personal experience and it’s not the first time he’s documented being stopped by police.

The popular funnyman was pulled over on Feb. 13, 2015 and on Feb. 27, 2015, sharing selfies both times.

Monday marked the third time in seven weeks that Rock posted a photo of himself being pulled over by a police officer.

It’s unclear why Rock was stopped or if he was even arrested, but judging from Isaiah Washington’s twitter response to the drama, Rock was most likely targeted for ‘DWB’ (driving while Black) in his luxury automobile.

What do you think about this situation?