Lifetime aired their highly anticipated Whitney Houston biopic, ‘WHITNEY’ Saturday evening and from all the online chatter, it would appear that it was actually pretty decent!
While there was clearly ?sex and drugs? on the menu for Whitney’s turbulent lifestyle, viewers were also treated to her infamously tumultuous marriage to singer Bobby Brown.
Angela Bassett, the show’s producer, chose to focus the film on a five-year period of Houston’s life, during the period of the height of her music & budding film success.
Many viewers believe it was a bit too Bobby-centric, but that makes sense being that he probably contributed the bulk of information for the film.
In case you missed it, watch Lifetime’s ‘WHITNEY’ + Bobby Brown’s intimate after-show interview below…
VIDEO: Whitney Houston Biopic – ‘WHITNEY’
For the record, viewers weren?t privy to the tragic events of February 2012, because Bassett didn?t believe it was appropriate.
In an interview with the Washington Post, Bassett revealed:
We get an inkling. We get a glimpse at where it?s going. But we don?t go fully there.
We don?t need to. We know it, and I think it would only break our hearts again, you know?
I guess…. it seemed like there should have been an ending to the story. Leaving us with Whitney onstage just felt kinda weird. Almost like there needs to be a part-two.
But I guess it got the job done.
Another reason why we all believe it was all Bobby Brown everything is that fact that Brown agreed to an exclusive interview, which aired right after the biopic.
Basically, the ‘Whitney’ biopic was like the Bobby Brown story co-starring Whitney Houston or like Whitney’s life story as told by Bobby Brown.
I know y’all want a long drawn out recap, but we all lived through most of this. Even details about Whitney & Eddie Murphy weren’t much of a surprise to true fans of the iconic diva.