She Hit It First! Kris Jenner’s New Boo Has An ‘Atlanta Exes’ Connection… [PHOTOS]

Just two months after filing for divorce, Kris Jenner has taken her budding romance with her much younger boo public, declaring herself ?blessed? to have found such a great man. But she may not be as lucky as she thinks!

Word on the curb is that Jenners’s new boyfriend, 32 year old Corey Gamble, has an Atlanta past. ?More specifically, Gamble has sordid past with one of the stars of ‘Atlanta Exes‘, and it seems she’s apparently provided receipts to the press about how he used to stalk her!

Can you guess which ‘Atlanta Ex’ hit it first?

Details below…

If you guessed Sheree Buchanan, you are correct!

The Atlanta Exes star has made no secret about the fact that she prefers younger men and apparently Kris Jenner’s much younger boo belonged to Buchanan first.

Gamble was enamored by Buchanan when she got a hold of him back in 2009 and apparently the ‘Atlanta Ex’ totally turned out the young buck. So much so that Sheree says Gamble stalked her for over a year!

Buchanan reveals to InTouch Weekly that she was even granted a temporary order of protection against Gamble:

?In Touch Weekly? has exclusively obtained court documents filed by Corey?s former girlfriend, ?Atlanta Exes? star Sheree Buchanan, that granted her a temporary protection order against him in 2010, under Georgia?s stalking statute.

In the documents (above) Sheree alleged that Corey followed her around town.

?He would just show up at my house and come inside. I had to change my locks because he?d managed to somehow get a key,? Sheree explains in an exclusive interview with ?In Touch,? on newsstands now.

The court document, exclusively obtained by ?In Touch,? also alleges that Corey has even grabbed and bruised her.

But Sheree adds that it?s Corey?s money-hungry attitude that Kris should watch out for.

?I know Corey. He?s all about power and money and will do whatever it takes to get it,? she tells the mag, adding that she believes he specifically targeted Kris. ?He sees the Kardashians as media?s first family.?

It’s interesting that Sheree would bring this to light now. Is she concerned about Jenner? Is this her way of warning her or is Sheree merely trying to get a few minutes in the spotlight herself? Hmmmmmm??

Whatever the case, Buchanan provided ‘receipts’ about her dealings with the youngster… but I’m just mad that her 40-something azzzz was even dealing with someone so close to her daughter’s age. ?At least he was legal tho…

What are your thoughts?about Shere? Buchanan revealing this story regarding Jenner’s new boo?