Notorious B.I.G. & Faith Evans’ Son Christopher ‘CJ’ Wallace, Jr. Graduates High School + Shares ‘Special’ Photo Online… [PHOTOS]

Christopher Wallace Jr. Graduation Faith Evans - 2014 StraightFromTheA
Boy does time fly!

Notorious B.I.G. & Faith Evans’ son CJ recently graduated high School and his proud mom shared the photo above of Christopher Wallace, Jr.’s graduation day, stating:

Faith Evans Tweet
[FLASHBACK: Whatever Happened to the baby on Notorious B.I.G.’s ‘Ready to Die’ Cover? (PHOTOS)]

But wait…

While Biggie’s son graduating is a big deal, an even BIGGER deal is the photo the new graduate shared online of his big day.


Details + more photos below….

Christopher Wallace Jr. Graduation 2014 StraightFromTheA

?CJ and a ‘friend’ strike a post graduation pose…


Fellow blogger Sandra Rose posted the photo yesterday, thinking it was Faith in a cap & gown, but apparently it’s not.

On of SR’s reader’s questioned the photo, stating:

This is Biggie?s son. He just graduated from high school.

Is it possible for a man to take a pic like this and be straight?

I don?t care if he?s gay. The pic just has me wondering if he?s out with it. His hand is awfully close to that boy?s private.

Faith’s response?

Ouch! ?Faith is clearly feeling ‘some kinda way’ about the situation.

Do you think Biggie’s son’s pic was his way of ‘coming out’ on his big day?


Photos: Instagram/Twitter