Porsha Williams Wants ‘The Gays’ To Know… (Apology For Anti-Gay Sermon) [VIDEO]

Porsha Stewart Williams of The Real Housewives of Atlanta has been?in the news a lot recently.

The reality star, who was recently charged with battery after an altercation with costar Kenya Moore during the reunion show taping, is in the hot seat once again after a video surfaced where she’s preaching about saving gays and lesbians.

We Christians are supposed to be telling the hooker on the street, the drug dealer … the gays, the lesbians ? we’re supposed to be trying to save them and tell them, ‘You are worthy!’

[READ: ‘Evangelist’ Porsha Williams Wants to Save ‘The Gays’… (VIDEO)]

Williams, 31, has a huge Gay following and she even performed her new single LIVE for the first time at a gay nightclub recently (click HERE if you missed that), so it’s no surprise that she issued a formal apology to LGBT community.

Details + video below…

Williams sent People magazine a statement?apologizing for the sermon she gave that contains purportedly anti-gay comments.

“My heart was heavy and it’s imperative for me to address the issue,” Williams says in a video message released exclusively to PEOPLE on Tuesday.

“God loves all of his children.”

VIDEO: Porsha Williams Apologizes for Anti-Gay Sermon
The sermon was filmed over 2 years ago at Georgia’s High Praise Christian Center Ministries and in her statement, Porsha alludes to the fact that she has grown out of her religious beliefs.

“The sermon was shown not in its entirety, therefore the message was omitted,” Williams says in her statement.

“I apologize that those words hurt the LGBT community, my fans and my supporters. Life is a journey and I’m growing every day.”

Whatever the case, Porsha says she’s sorry.


What do you think of Porsha’s apology?