Quick Quotes: Peter Thomas Snaps Back At Nene Leakes’ ‘B*tch’ Comments…

Peter Thomas of The Real Housewives of Atlanta is mad as hell and he’s not gonna take it anymore!

Real ‘housewife’ Cynthia Bailey hasn’t said too much about her friend, Nene Leakes, referring to her hubby as a ‘B*tch’… or ‘acting like a B*tch,’ but word on the curb is that she and her BFF aren’t nearly as tight as they used to be.

While his wife has been a bit tight lipped, Peter has always been quite outspoken about RHOA issues…

[READ: Exclusive: Peter Thomas Addresses ‘Pillow Talk’ Fight & Foreclosure Rumors… (PHOTOS + VIDEO)]

Thomas has caught flack online and off as being the newest ‘housewife,’ and even got Gregg Leakes in an uproar in Mexico.? The couples made ‘nice’ during episode 20 of the popular reality show (click HERE if you missed that, but in ‘real life’ they clearly haven’t resolved their issues.

In a recent interview, Peter roasts his former friend about the ‘B*tch comments she’s made stating:

Nene?s used to being loud, wild and obnoxious. That?s what?s made her famous I assume. But it?s also what?s making her unlikeable to so many. She?s gone from dancing on the pole in hood strip clubs to Dancing With The Stars on television screens worldwide, and that?s simply phenomenal. I am proud of the trajectory she is on.

However, I am very disappointed in my friend?s inability to accept responsibility for her actions. And let me be clear, Nene won?t be great until she can admit when she is wrong.

More details below…

In a recent interview with Uptown Magazine, Peter addresses his issues with NeNe head on and says that her continuous references of him ‘acting like a B*tch’ has him ‘completely confused and highly offended’.

Thomas goes on to reveal how the animosity between them started, stating:

In March, our viewers and fans witnessed Nene Leakes, someone I?ve supported, cheered for and considered a friend for a few years now, completely disrespect me on national television by recklessly saying I was ?acting like a bitch.? Why? Simply because I thought my friend could have handled herself more professionally and with much more class at a specific charity event. Well guess what? I still think my friend was out of line in the way she acted. It was probably the most uncomfortable situation I?ve found myself in on the show thus far.

Peter goes on to say that he and his wife Cynthia have always been supportive of Nene and that Gregg was totally off base in Mexico when he popped off about the charity event.

So imagine my surprise, my anger and my disappointment when my friend verbally attacked me in Mexico while Gregg and I were discussing what happened at the charity event. First of all, I never confronted Nene. I was talking to Cynthia and explaining to my wife that Nene?s behavior that night made me (and many others in attendance) uncomfortable and why I wanted to leave, when Nene approached me.

She got in my face, not the other way around. So Gregg was completely wrong in his assessment of what actually happened.

Peter seems to feel that Nene’s insults have been a bit too harsh, especially considering that they were actually ‘friends’ in real life…

Her insults continued in her Housewives? confessionals and spurred the creation of several memes and caricatures of me in drag, and in the cast lineup alongside the ladies holding my own peach ?(the signature logo for the Atlanta housewives franchise).

Most were hilarious, and pretty damn creative I might add. Yet, these images were born from my friend?s harsh insult and attempt at emasculating me.

At the end of the day, it seems that Thomas is saddened that Nene took her diss to such extremes.

Friends should be able to provide constructive criticism of one another, especially when it is coming from a very good place. Attacking each other only leads to hard feelings…

Click HERE to read Peter Thomas’ full Uptown interview.

What do you think of Peter Thomas’ statements?

Will the two couples will ever kiss and make up or where those ‘b*tch’ comments too hurtful?