Groupie Gets No Love! 2Chainz Blasts #THOT Who Snuck Backstage… [VIDEO]

Rapper 2Chainz has a great sense of humor, and when a young thirsty #THOT snuck backstage after one of his concerts, she became the butt of all jokes!

According to Freshalina, a groupie by the name of Tina (or Trina) got a lesson in grade “A” gangster shade, when it was discovered that the sole survivor wasn’t a guest of anyone in the hairweavekiller’s entourage.

After managing to sneak backstage of a 2 Chainz concert by claiming to have been invited by rapper Cap-1, one groupie?s dreams of being a future cast member of Love and Hip Hop ATL were brought to an end once the TRU University dean to ask ?is this your thot??

That means ?who art thou hoe? for those not fluent in the latest trap lingo.

Watch how a TRU #THOT gets treated backstage under the cut…

I almost felt bad for the #THOT involved in the roasting. Then again… nope. She probably deserved it.

What do you think of 2Chainz’ ‘groupie love’ roast fest?