Baby Mama Drama! Ludacris Seeks Full Custody of New Daughter + Child Support…

It was just last week that Christopher ‘Ludacris’ Bridges told a judge in his child support hearing that he’s suffering financially and can’t afford to pay the exorbitant amount of money his new baby mama, Tamika Fuller, is asking (click HERE if you missed that).

[READ: Meet Tamika Fuller, Luda’s New Baby Mama… (PHOTOS)]

Now after spending months in court battling the issue, it seems the popular Atlanta-based rapper has had a conference with a few of his famous peers (i.e. Usher Raymond and Dwayne Wade).

[FLASHBACK: Ludacris Claims New Baby Mama Extorted Him for a Car… *Court Docs*]

Ludacris has now decided to flip the script on his newest baby mama… and seeks FULL custody of his kid!

But wait… he’s also asking for a judge to award HIM child support if his custodial request is granted.

Details below…

According to TMZ,

Rapper Ludacris wants to do something so shocking, it will send shock waves through the rap community — he’s fighting for CUSTODY of his kid.

Luda and baby mama Tamika Fuller are duking it out in an Atlanta court over custody and child support. They had a baby girl 2 months ago and Tamika’s been taking care of the kid.

The rapper now says in legal docs he’s a “fit and capable parent” and should get full physical custody. He offers up his parental resume, saying he’s always been “an active father” to his 12-year-old girl.

Now the plot thickens.

Luda has also asked the judge to force Tamika to pay HIM child support. That’s interesting, because Tamika was asking for $15K a month in child support and Ludacris pleaded poverty, saying Paul Walker’s death derailed “Fast & Furious 7” and his cash flow dried up. The judge awarded her $7K a month.

Wow! I guess the father would deserve child support if he actually has full physical custody of the kid.? But this is an infant we’re talkin about.

Whatever the case, Luda has made the request but if he gets it… then what?? It begs the question of is this REALLY about custody or is it just a way to avoid paying child support?

What do you think of Luda’s drama filled support/custody battle?