WATCH THIS! An Ode to ‘Ratchet’… (‘Royals’ PARODY) [VIDEO]

Ratchet Parody
There’s a new video taking the innnnanet by storm! It’s a parody interpretation inspired by Lorde’s Billboard #1 hit song “Royals”.

halle berry ratchet bapsIn my mind, this parody shall forever go down in history as an ode to the internet ‘ratchetness’ that we have all grown to know and love.

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And so the hook goes…

And we will always be ratchet.

It just runs in our blood,

The Ghetto Life is just for us.

My Sister does Hair and Sells that Dro.

Beyonce’ is our ruler (ruler),

We’re all Ruled By Queen Bee

And baby Ja Rule, Ja Rule, Ja Rule, Ja Rule.

Tell me where’s That Nigga Been.

Watch the hilarious parody video below…

VIDEO: Ratchet – ‘Royals’ Parody (FULL)

The parody video is written and performed by @BillySorrells (who stars Peaches) and @CourtneyJaguar

What do you think of this hilarous ‘Ratchet’ parody of ‘Royals’?

If you haven’t seen it, here’s the full original version of Lorde’s “Royal’ video…

VIDEO: Lorde – “Royals” (US VERSION) – Official