Single Women, Married Men & Family Matters: ‘Being Mary Jane’ Returns w/ 2014 Series Premiere… [WATCH FULL VIDEO]

Being Mary Jane Promo StraightFromTheA 5

Gabrielle Union returns to BET to reprise her role on the brand new series ‘Being Mary Jane’.

The series follows the life of Mary Jane Paul (click HERE if you missed the pilot), a single talk show host with relationship issues.Being Mary Jane Promo StraightFromTheA 2

[READ: Would You ‘Steal Sperm’? Watch ‘Being Mary Jane’ Pilot Episode (FULL VIDEO)]

Mary Jane is one hell of a woman…. she?s successful, gorgeous, single, but far from perfect.

While she?s clearly a hot commodity in the eyes of multiple men, Mary Jane is experiencing what many single women are going through these days… dating drama.

[READ: Gabrielle Union Hosts Private ‘Being Mary Jane’ Viewing Party in Atlanta (PHOTOS)]

She’s trying to get over her involvement with a man she found out was married and returned to a shady ex-boyfriend with commitment issues… all while dealing with the same career uncertainties of pretty much every single woman who’s working.

I’ve never been a big fan of Gabrielle Union, but she plays ‘Mary Jane Paul’ flawlessly!

In case you missed it, watch the full episode of the series premiere of Being Mary Jane below…

?VIDEO: Being Mary Jane Series Premiere – Episode 2

Being Mary Jane was created by Mara Brock-Akil, the mastermind behind a few of your favorites like, ‘Girlfriends’ and ‘The Game’.

Mara has been writing refreshingly, unapologetically real black women for years and in?a recent interview with The Huffington Post, Brock-Akil revealed why she believes people relate to her characters, stating:

I really feel as though we (women) are liars and we have become liars for our own survival. Now we?re at a tipping point where it is no longer serving us but it is hurting us and now I?m finding that a lot of us are lost. I don?t mean just single women. I mean women, married women, women across the board.

We are lost, losing ourselves a little bit. I think men can relate too. They don?t have to lie in the same way or deal with life in the same way, but I think they will recognize themselves even in Mary Jane if not the other characters that are present in the piece.

Many on twitter compared Mary Jane Paul’s character to Olivia Pope (Scandal). I guess that whole dating married men thing sparked the comparisons, but they are totally different characters and situations.

But that’s cool though. We can refer to both of them as ‘jumpoffs’ or ‘sidechicks’ but the fact of the matter is that we ALL are flawed and have been involved in flawed relationships. Therefore, there are many who will always personally relate to the relationships in each series.

What did you think of the ‘Being Mary Jane’ series premiere?

Will you be tuned in for more?