“Keep complaining about what “they” don’t do and that’s all you’ll attract from them. Every time you doubt that it’s out there you push it further away from you. If you’re really the “good one” you say you are then you’d have more hope. We believe in what we are…
Become what you’re looking for, stop looking back at what you had.”
That is one of the many inspirational messages sent out on the daily by Rob Hill, Sr.
Hill started a small email blast filled with relationship advice and words of inspiration that reached 20 people back in 2008 and now he reaches over millions daily via social media platforms like twitter and Facebook.
Hill recently shared 10 reason’s why people are so guarded:
10. No faith. Disappointment discourages ppl, after awhile, they stop believing & happiness becomes a myth to them.
9. Pride. Nobody wants to play the fool, but loving and losing is only bad when you don?t learn.
7. Lost values. Too many people know how to be sexual, not enough know how to be intimate. Lust hides love.
6. People don?t know how to trust. Worst than that, they don?t want to learn. Trust issues are just excuses if you aren?t working on them.
5. Unnecessary Baggage. Ppl hold on to the wrong things. Don?t let the pain cage you, learn from it & let it go.
4. Lack of Self-Awareness. Most ppl just don?t know who they are well enough to love.
3. Uncertainty. It?s sometimes hard to tell where things stand without a title. If boundaries aren?t clear, things get messy.
2. Fear. It?s the fear of losing something good that blocks most people from ever getting something great.
1. Rejection. People fear their feelings won?t be returned. Most people rather not try at all than risk being rejected.
Rob Hill, Sr’s often shares words of motivation and inspiration and he is commonly known as the ?heart healer.?
The once 17-year-old homeless boy is now a best-selling author of two books on Amazon.com’s relationships list, the founder of Thousand Kings Foundation Inc., and a motivational speaker who travels and encourages others and to share his story.
Hill has also recently released an inspirational spoken word entitled ‘The Audacity of a Good Heart’ which is available on iTunes.
Can you think of any other ‘reasons’ to add?