New Doo Alert! Jennifer Hudson Comes Up Short At ‘Black Girls Rock’… [PHOTOS]

Jennifer Hudson Black Girls Rock 2

It’s a new day, it’s a new dawn!!

Jennifer Hudson hit the red carpet of BET’s Black Girls Rock with a brand new look Saturday night (October 26, 2013).

Hudson has worn her hair in various styles over the years, but she recently shed her latest lace front wig, opting for a short sleek cropped doo.?

[FLASHBACK: Jennifer Hudson & on DateLineNBC (VIDEO)]

She shared the photo above online, stating:

Jennifer Hudson tweet

Check out more photos of J-Huds new look below…

Jennifer Hudson Black Girls Rock 2013 1

Hawt! 🙂

Short hair looks amazing on Jennifer!

On a related note, Jennifer celebrated Halloween a week early with her fianc? David Otunga and her adorable son David, Jr (DJ).

The cute couple dressed up as Batman and Catwoman, while lil DJ rocked a Ghostbusters costume:


What do you think of Jennifer’s short new doo?

Hot or Not?