PSA: Kelly Rowland Speaks Out Against Domestic Violence… [VIDEO] Directed by Derek Blanks]

Singer Kelly Rowland?aired all of her ‘Dirty Laundry’ earlier this year in a single by the same name and revealed that she was once in a violent relationship.

[LISTEN: Kelly Rowland – “Dirty Laundry” (AUDIO)]

In a new PSA shot and directed by famed celebrity photographer Derek Blanks,?Rowland is now speaking out.

[FLASHBACK: Derek Blanks Shoots Kelly Rowland (PHOTOS)]

The video kicks off Domestic Violence Awareness month and Rowland?joins forces with Saving Our Daughters to empower other women to speak up and fight against date abuse and domestic violence.

Watch video below…

VIDEO: Kelly Rowland Speaks out against domestic violence

What do you think of Kelly Rowland’s Domestic Violence PSA?