WTF!?! Cheating Man Seeks 10,000 Facebook ‘Likes’ To Reunite With Wife…. [PHOTO]

Facebook has been known to tear apart many marriages and relationships but at least one of your ‘online friends’ is hoping that it will keep his relationship together.

[READ: Should There Be A Rulebook on Facebook Relationship Etiquette?]

Ivan Lewis posted the photo above on his facebook timeline after he was caught cheating on his wife. Apparently Lewis’ wife, Sonya Gore, says that if he gets 10,000 likes on his humiliating picture, she might just forgive his indiscretions.

So far, Lewis has only accumulated a little over 3,000 ‘Likes’ but if you think his lil social media experiment is a ‘fail,’ think of it this way… Lewis can get his wife back in a few days AND a ton of new “friends’ to cheat with.? A win/win for all!

Check out what some of Lewis’ facebook ‘friends’ are saying about his facebook stunts & shows…

Lewis has even thanked everyone who has ‘liked’ his page for potentially saving his failing marriage:

It’s amazing how resourceful a cheating man can be! Click here to help a brother out with a ‘like’ if you believe he deserves a 2nd chance at honoring his marital commitment.

What do you think of Ivan Lewis’ lil social experiment?

Would YOU take back your cheating spouse after a stunt like this?

Spotted on C&D