Meet The Winners of the StraightFromTheA HTC One & Beatbox Giveaway… [PHOTOS + A Special ‘Thank You’!]

Every now and then I like to thank my readers with a lil something special and recently I held a contest giving away promotional items I’d received from AT&T (click HERE if you missed that).

Membership clearly has it’s privileges and reader Crystal Stewart of Indianapolis (pictured above) won the HTC One smartphone and Duane Harris of Atlanta (pictured below) won the Beatbox by Beats by Dr. Dre personally delivered by me…

A wise man by the name of Malcom X once said, “if you have no critics you’ll likely have no success.” ?I keep that quote in mind every time someone tries to belittle my thoughts, feelings or beliefs… which is what StraightFromTheA is… Straight From The “A”TLien i.e. ME!

Maybe some of you knew that already… maybe not. But good, bad, or indifferent I try to give it to you as straight as I can.

Yes, I’m biased about some things…. Yes, I like some people more than others… and Yes… I agree that I’m perfectly imperfect and subject to criticism as well, it goes with the territory.

Whether you Love me or hate me, it really doesn’t matter… but I THANK those of you who visit the site on the regular and hope continue to keep you entertained (and upset) with my random observations, gossip items and editorials.

Thank you!! xxoo