Keri Hilson Prepping For ‘Apology’ To Ciara and Beyonce…?

Keri Hilson in Studio 2013

Diddy’s new start-up network “Revolt” interviewed Timabland recently to discuss an array of things, but the topic of Keri Hilson was particularly interesting.

Hilson, who has had a hard time connecting with fans both musically and on film, has been desperately trying to revamp her image these days.

[FLASHBACK: Keri Hilson is Setting Up for a ‘Come Back’? (PHOTOS)]

On the forefront of her problems is her diss to the ‘Queen’ of of the gays Mrs. Beyonc??Knowles-Carter.

[FLASHBACK: Did Keri Hilson Just Throw More Shade at Queen B? (VIDEO)]

It’s bad enough the fallen star was mistaken for her ‘musical foe’ Ciara on the red carpets at her own movie premiere (click HERE if you missed that), but could the “Knock You Down” star finally be prepared to issue a mea culpa to the pop star phenomenon,?while getting some of that Beyonce star dust on her forehead?

Keri Hilson

The word on the curb is “yes,” at least that’s what Timbaland is leading us to believe.

Details below…

KERI HISLON TIMBALANDDuring a recent interview, Timbaland stated:

?I got this one song with Keri [Hilson] on my album called ?Sorry,?? Tim unveiled about the record, ?and Keri actually tells a story about the whole Beyonc? thing and how she was sorry about it because she really wasn?t talking about Beyonc?. And my verse, I?m [pretty much] saying, ?Why can?t a ni-ga say sorry.??

The ‘diss’ track which we all know by now was Hilson’s? “Turnin Me On [Remix]” was the Keri’s breakout monster hit.? In it, she was taking square aim at Bey’s hive with lyrics like:

?Your vision cloudy if you think that you the best/ You can dance, she can sing, but need to move it to the left/ She need to go have some babies/ She need to sit down, she fake ? Go ?head and tell these folks how long I?ve been writing your songs/ I been putting you on/ Just check the credits, ho, and if you want me, you can find me in Decatur, ho.?

It was no secret who the singer/songwriter was taking shots at and the overall consensus is that Hilson was referring to Bey and/or ATL’S own Ciara.

And while the latter would have been fine to poke fun at, talking about Beyonc??in such a matter was deemed a ‘no no!’ totally outside the lines of decency! ? Beyonce’s fans pounced by showing Keri Hilson who’s boss…

[FLASHBACK: In The Tweets: Keri Hilson ‘Poots Pennies’ To Her Haters… ]

Hopefully with all that behind her now, the newly turned actresses appeared to be reaching out an olive branch of sorts and is rumored to finally be ready to apologize with the aforementioned record. Or is she?

You would think that the chatter of fans saying it’s an official apology would be enough for her camp to let fate work out this situation, However, true to form the rebellious ‘rocker’ spoke up to dispel any Beyonc??apology rumors.

[FLASHBACK: Where’s the Beef? Keri Says There is None with Beyonce… ]

Currently promoting her nonperforming box office fizzle “Riddick,’ (which the Gradybaby appears for only 3-4 minutes), Keri explains her musical ‘apology,’ stating:

?There?s really nothing more to tell about that song. There?s really nothing to be said about it. What I will say, is the way Tim represented my verse is a little off. It?s not something I want to talk about right now. It?s not important to me. I?m not even sure if that song will be on the album.?

?It?s not what he made it seem, I will say that.?

[Sidebar: Sounds like MissKeriBaby still has a bit of saltiness within whenever the ‘Queen’ is mentioned.]

I dunno why Keri can’t just make this situation right so we can all move on from this situation. Bottom line the Zone 4 signee started a lyric battle and lost. No one can be blamed for it but her.

Now that there’s finally word that there will be an apology, a rumor that’s sparking interesting responses from the fans, it seems interesting that she’s still talking smack.

Some artists have their own selves to blame for their demise. *sigh*

Do you think Keri owes Beyonce an apology?

Or should she just ‘keep it moving’?