Facebook Fail! Jealous Boyfriend Murders Man For Commenting on Girlfriend’s Photo… [PHOTOS]

Meet 20 year old Antwion Courtez Martin.

Martin posted for the mugshot above after he allegedly hunted down and killed a man for making a comment on a photo his girlfriend posted to her facebook profile.

Yeah Antwan… my thoughts exactly!

Clearly Facebook is the devil and some of you people are possessed!!! 😯

[FLASHBACK: Is This Your Facebook Friend? Reason #4246 They Shoulda Never Gave You People Camera Phones! (PHOTOS)]

Details about this most recent Facebook fail + more photos of all involved under the cut…

Antwion Courtez Martin? (pictured above) of Oklahoma City (aka “Twon Goinsteady Martin” on Facebook) is accused of fatally shooting 48 year old Edmond James Tyree after he left a comment on a photo Sharde Perkins posted to her facebook page.

?This is a perfect example of some of the ridiculous reasons people kill for,? Oklahoma County District Attorney David Prater said.

On July 12, 2013,? Tyree wrote ?damm? on Facebook, misspelling his compliment about the woman’s photo and about 5 days later, a gunman killed him inside of his apartment.

Having shot Tyree dead, the gunman also wounded Tyree’s visiting friend, Michael Joe Hale. Oddly enough, authorities say neither victims were robbed of any jewelry or money.

Upon their search for a motive, authorities discovered the comment on facebook and when they interviewed Martin, he acknowledged the online incident.

?During an interview ? Martin acknowledged having words with the deceased victim about his comments made about the bathing suit photo,? Oklahoma City police detective Ryan Porter wrote in a court affidavit.

Police arrested Antwion Courtez Martin of Oklahoma City in July and accused him of the crimes.

[FLASBHACK: Should There Be a Rulebook on Facebook Relationships?]

Homicide detectives also felt that there was enough of a connection between the killing and the comments that they took legal steps in August to preserve the woman’s and homicide victim’s Facebook pages as evidence.

Martin has been charged with first-degree murder and shooting with intent to kill and remains in the Oklahoma County jail. His attorney, assistant public defender Jacob Keyes, declined to comment on the case, but it’s looking like Martin may have made the biggest mistake of his life.

Is facebook really THAT serious?

What do you think of this recent case of Facebook gone awry?

Photos via Facebook