Cynthia Bailey Reveals More About Her ‘Mystery’ Medical Ailment…

Cynthia Bailey of The Real Housewives of Atlanta was a stunning bridesmaid at her BFF’s Nene Leakes wedding this past weekend.

[READ: Exclusive Details About Nene & Greg’s ‘Do-Over’…. ]

Rumors had been circulating that the housewife/supermodel may be expecting an addition to her family but Bailey squashed those rumors by revealing she has a medical condition that causes her to look pregnant.

[READ: Rumor Control: Cynthia Bailey Wants You To Know…]

While Cynthia didn’t reveal much about her condition in her denial, she recently revealed much more in a recent interview about her painful secret:

?I can say a whole lot about it ? But I am dealing with a medical situation. I will be having a surgery and rectifying the [situation]. That will play out on the show.?

Details below:

In an exclusive interview with my friends over at?RadarOnline, Cynthia recently revealed additional details about her medical crisis and plans to share her story on RHOA.

Bailey hopes that by doing so, she can help build awareness of her ailment:

?As part of the journey I am going through with that, I decided I did wanted to share it with the world because I felt like there is a lot of education in this process that I am going to be going through,? she says. ?I decided to take you guys on this journey with me because I really didn?t know a lot about it. And then once you find out something, people aren?t always diligent about getting to the doctor and really figuring out what I need to do or just being overall healthy people in general.?

Finding out about her condition has changed how she views life, and as for why didn?t hesitate to share her journey with the world, Cynthia states:

?The more information I got about it once I did go to the doctor and really saw the rewards, how good I was going to feel from dealing with it, and how many women actually deal with this condition, I felt it just would be powerful to relay that information out there,? she says.

?Over three or four million people watch our show. And even they love the drama, but I think it?s great when they can actually get some education out of it as well.?

She adds, ?And this is just one of those situations where whether they want to learn about it or not, they?re going to learn something when they watch me go through this process.?

BTW… Cynthia hasn?t undergone the knife yet, but cameras will be there when it happens to capture it all next season.

My guess would be that Cynthia suffers from fibroid tumors, a condition that commonly occurs in women between ages 30 and 40, with African-America women at greatest risk.

To date, at least one genetic link has been identified, indicating that fibroids may also run in families.

Most often fibroids occur as multiple tumor masses which are slow-growing and often cause no symptoms,?but when they do, doctors say problems often involve heavy menstrual periods and prolonged bleeding.

They can also cause pelvic or abdominal pain or swelling and increased urination.

The size of fibroids varies immensely among women and some are so small that a microscope is required to see them. However some women experience a single large fibroid tumor the size of a grapefruit or a fibroid which is so large it encompasses the entire abdominal area.

CLICK HERE?for more information about fibroid tumors.

Several of my friends and family members suffered from the condition and coincidentally, so have I. ?(I had mine removed a few years back also).

But have no fear, Cynthia’s ‘mystery’ ailment will be revealed soon enough, so stay tuned.

As for those still speculating that the 50+ model is pregnant, Bailey states:

The only thing that I can confirm is that I am not pregnant. Hallelujah. I?m not pregnant!

Will you be tuning in to RHOA next season to discover the mystery?