In The Tweets: #PaulasBestDishes Turns Paula Deens Use of ‘N-Word’ into Viral Joke…

Paula Deen, best known for her homestyle cooking slathered covered and smothered in buttery goodness, has admitted to saying the “N” word a few times.

[READ: Celebrity Chef Paula Deen Admits Using N-Word, Racial Jokes]

In a deposition posted online (read transcript HERE) Dean admits she’s said it but that she only used it for “bad’ Black people.

Honestly, who hasn’t said inappropriate racial slurs a time or two?? Black, White, Hispanic… doesn’t matter.? Sure it’s wrong… but it happens.

I’ve said a few inappropriate things out loud a time or two thousand myself.? Hail… ‘cracka’ was my favorite word after my experience working with a few “bad” White people at The Georgia Lottery!

And I meant no disrespect to ALL Caucasians, just the one’s who had secret meetings discussing how to promote their barely educated Caucasian counterparts over several more qualified African-Americans who were due promotions.? But I digress.? This ain’t about me….

Deen, on the other hand, a woman who publicly cozied up to the likes of Oprah Winfrey (a ‘good’ N-word I presume) with her southern fried dishes handed down from generations of ‘good’ N-words who worked on her families plantation, is now being totally roasted online about her comments.

Peep these tweets…

And they’re still going…

#PaulasBestDishes was a top trend on twitter and some media outlets have tried to flip the script, referring to the verbal lashing as a ‘high-tech lynching’.

Yesterday, Deen’s attorney Bill Franklin released a comment regarding the deposition, stating:

“Contrary to media reports. Ms. Deen does not condone or find the use of racial epithets acceptable. She is looking forward to her day in court.”

There’s a fine line between what Deen admitted to in her deposition (which you ALL have probably done at some point in the privacy and security of your inner circle) and what people are posting online. And like Chris Rock said in his classic skit about OJ… ‘I’m not saying it’s right, but I understand’.

While it’s all good for “Black Twitter” to go hard in the paint on racial issues, if “White Twitter” participated would it still be as funny?

Share your thoughts on the ‘PaulsBestDishes’ viral hashtag…