You Got Served! Ciara Surprised By Process Server While Performing Onstage… [VIDEO]

Ciara Served Lawsuit Onstage 060813 StraightFromTheA 1

Singer Ciara shook her goodies onstage Saturday night during a performance for L.A. Pride Weekend (June 8, 2013).

Ciara 060813 - StraightFromTheA 1The sultry songstress entertained the crowed of flamboyant west coast gays with a few of her signature moves, but what really got the queens talking was when CiCi got a served a hand full of legal documents while in the middle of shaking her groove thang.

The singer is being sued by an LA gay bar for canceling another performance scheduled for L.A. pride, which was supposed to have taken place Friday night.

Apparently the promoters have already got the wheels of justice turning and promptly got a process server to serve Ciara in the middle of her set.

CiCi, reached for the documents, completely unaware that she was accepting notice of the lawsuit, then promptly tossed the paperwork back into the crowed once she saw what it was and continued her set.

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Too late… they already gotcha.? You’ve been served Ciara! 😯

Details PLUS watch video of Ciara getting SERVED below…

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Ciara shared the photo above as she was being fitted for her red hot Gay Pride performance gear on Saturday (June 8, 2013).

Friday night (June 7, 2013), the singer was originally scheduled to perform for an L.A. gay spot called ‘The Hit Factory,’ but reportedly canceled her appearance after inking a $10,000 deal to perform.

The nightclub claims she unexpectedly pulled the plug on the deal, leaving them without a star for its big Friday night pre-gay parade bash.

Factory says Ciara had mentioned that she couldn’t “perform” at Factory due to restrictions in her contract with the L.A. Pride event … but made it seem like making an “appearance” would be totally kosher. (source)

Ciara didn’t perform OR make an appearance at the club, and now they’re suing her for breach of contract… seeking the return of all monies spent to promote her appearance PLUS the cash they lost due to her last minute cancellation.

TMZ obtained the footage below which shows the 27 year old performer being served with the lawsuit during her performance Saturday night…

VIDEO: Ciara gets served with lawsuit while performing

They certainly wasted no time getting Ciara those papers… and you already know those messy queens were probably all in cahoots in order for this all to go without a hitch! Hilarious!

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How do you think Ciara handled the sticky situation?

What would YOU have done?