BUSTED!! One Man’s Facebook Fail Sparks Hilarious Break Up Letter…

black couple break up

A photograph of what is said to be a nice-nasty break-up letter hit the net a few days ago and it’s since gone viral, receiving over 1 million page views as of yesterday.

[FLASHBACK: She Bust The Windows Out His Car… (LITERALLY!) – VIDEO]

facebook-break-upThe letter, originally posted on Reddit, starts out really nice and sweet and the writer even begins with “Hey Honey!”

The first line of the letter serves as a warning of whats to come…

“Guess who left his Facebook open on the computer and got a message from Kelsi? Yeah! You did!”

[READ: Should There Be A “Rulebook” for Facebook Relationships?]

The remainder of it’s contents is something only a scorned woman could concoct!

angela bassett

Read the hilarious viral “break up” letter in it’s entirety below…

break up letter sfta

According to YahooNews, the letter has yet to be authenticated, but since it’s dripping with realistic-sounding acid, complete with hand written hearts and smileys, it couldn’t possibly be a fake…. or could it??

What are your thoughts on this viral break up letter?