Miguel “Adorns” 2 Ladies With Headkicks During Billboard Music Awards Stage Stunt… [VIDEO]

Singer Miguel “Adorned” at least two fans with an unplanned head kick during his 2013 Billboard Music Awards performance last night.

In a poorly planned stunt gone wrong, Miguel tried to jump over a small section of the crowd, but instead of landing on his feet, he landed on the heads of two young women instead… accidentally body slamming heads and landing flat on his butt.


Watch the full video of Miguel’s historic BBMA performance PLUS find out what happened to those poor young women he drop kicked below…

At least one of the young ladies is fine with no visible head injuries…

Khyati met with Miguel backstage and spoke to him and Billboard about the incident.? She was holding an ice pack, but at least she was still smiling.

The 2nd head that hit the flo didn’t fare as well… but I exclusively received THIS PIC of what she looked like after she got home.

What did you think of Miguel’s poorly executed stage stunt?