When Social Media Goes Wrong! Sheneka Adams Posts Pap Smear Photos…

You may or may not know who Sheneka Adams is… but perhaps you’ll get to know a lil bit better after this post.

Sheneka is an Atlanta model/socialite who is mostly known for her pretty face and slim waist, but recently my inbox was flooded by a few of her concerned (or nosy) instagram/twitter followers who wanted to share her recent pap smear photos.

Now before you go running for the hills, I must relay that the photos are not as graphic as you might imagine, but they do beg the question of ‘how far is too far’ on social media?

Hmmm…. Let’s discuss.

Photos below (do NOT click if you are easily offended)…

Shaneka decided to share a few photos as she appeared for her 6 month gynecological exam.

?The first photo (above) showed Adams getting her blood drawn…

The 2nd photo (above) is what really got people talking.? Sheneka posted the pic as she was getting her pap smear and you can clearly see the doctor’s head between her legs.

She states:

“At the doctor for my 6 month checkup! Gotta make sure that engine my engine is running properly!”

Granted, there’s nothing revealed in the pic (besides her thigh, the doctor’s head and the nurse) but the photo has made the rounds online with many questioning it’s appropriateness.

With the increasing popularity of social media today, will pics like Sheneka’s ‘pap smear’ photo become the norm? We already get bombarded by #foodporn (i.e. people’s daily breakfast/lunch & dinner choices) but do we really need to see what goes on in the doctor’s office? *sigh*

No judgement from me…. but what would Jesus do?

How do you feel about Sheneka’s decision to share her ‘pap smear’ experience?