Kordell & Porsha Issue Statements + Why A ‘Seven Figure’ Divorce Settlement is Unlikely…

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You may have heard by now that Kordell Stewart, the husband of Porsha Stewart of The Real Housewives of Atlanta, has filed for divorce from his reality show wife.

[READ: Kordell Stewart Seeks Divorce From Porsha… (COURT DOCS)]

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What’s most bizarre about this entire situation is that Porsha found out about Kordell’s filings only after people began tweeting her asking her about it…. at least that’s what I’ve heard.

Porsha confirmed the rumor mill in a statement issued through her publicist, who says that the real “housewife” found out through the blawgs about her husband’s divorce petition and that she was totally caught off guard.

Mrs. Stewart had held off on filing for a divorce herself and remained committed to the marriage because Mr. Stewart promised to work on the marriage with her.

Instead, he misled her and she found out about the filing in the media. Mrs. Stewart hopes to resolve these personal issues privately with the support of her family, friends and strong faith.

On the flip side, Kordell has pretty much said that he’s D.O.N.E. and if you think that Porsha is getting away with a “seven figure divorce settlement’…. think again!

Details below…

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In the divorce documents filed March 22, 2013 in Fulton County Superior Court, Kordell says his marriage to Porsha is “irretrievably broken” and claims the two are currently separated.

Kordell’s attorney, Sheil G. Edlin issued a statement on on March 26th regarding the matter, stating:

This is a personal and private family matter for Kordell and his family. This was a very difficult decision for Kordell.

I hope everyone understands. Kordell’s ongoing concern has been and remains his son’s best interest.

Porsha’s statement about being “blindsided” is a bit odd.?From my understanding, Porsha still lives in the house they shared, but Kordell has been spending his time elsewhere.

Whatever the case, for those of you thinking that Porsha’s net worth will be increased with her divorce settlement due to the fact that she doesn’t have a pre-nup, that’s probably NOT gonna happen.

Kordell states in court documents that he believes he shouldn’t have to pay Porsha spousal support, claiming, “[She’s] an able-bodied person, earning income and is capable of supporting herself.”

Despite what many of you believe, Porsha is NOT a trust fund baby. ?While her family’s legacy is well known in Atlanta, her grandfather’s participation in the Civil Rights movement did NOT make him a wealthy man.

[FLASHBACK: Atlanta History: Meet Hosea Williams: Porsha Stewart’s Grandfather… (PHOTOS + VIDEO)]

That being said, it’s apparent that Kordell masterfully manipulated the situation and patiently waited until Stewart got a job and started earning her own income prior to filing his divorce petition. Had he chose to do so BEFORE Porsha spent a season on RHOA, it probably woulda been a different story.

Porsha Stewart Shade

Porsha didn’t forfeit her career (whatever that is/was) when she got married. ?In fact, she got married and GOT a career… as a RHOA cast member. ?The reality show star now gets paid for appearances, etc. ?So Kordell kindly waited until she was set up with earning capabilities… all thanks to her former NFL husband, who ALLOWED her to join the top rated reality show.

All of that could be a moot point, considering Kordell also says there are no marital assets subject to division…. and regarding that pre-nuptial issue, think about it this way… ?just because Porsha said it, doesn’t mean it’s true.

But I digress.

I wrote allllll of that to say this…. pre-nup or no pre-nup, maybe Porsha should head out to Stone Mountain and do some digging about Kordell’s ‘alleged’ extramarital activities.

[FLASHBACK: Kordell Stewart Plagued By Gay Rumors Throughout NFL Career… ]

Stay tuned.

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