In the Tweets: Bishop Morton Responds to HIV Church Scandal…

An Atlanta church has been under fire recently after news reports that one of it’s “promiscuous” ministers was passing the HIV virus around like a collection plate.

[READ: HIV Church Scandal! Did Clayton County Minister Pass Virus Throughout Congregation? PHOTOS]

Bishop Paul Sylvester Morton, who heads Full Gospel the church, recently issued a bit of clarification on the matter via the social networking site, twitter.

But wait… theres more! The man he is speaking of is Craig Lamar Davis and while the Bishop attempts to separate himself from the chatter, he actually just made it a bit more interesting.

Morton admits that Craig is the husband of his assistant, but he states it’s not a Full Gospel problem.

Here’s more of what Bishop Paul Morton wants you to know about the Church HIV Scandal…

It seems odd that a “Bishop” would say that anything associated with their church is not their “problem” but whatever…

I personally think people should leave matters like this to their attorneys, his response on twitter simply made him seem detached from the problem at hand.

How do you feel about Bishp Paul Morton’s twitter response to the HIV Church scandal?

Spotted @DivaWhispers