Asian Kid Performs Beyonce ‘COUNTDOWN’ Tribute In A Snuggie + Beyonce’s Response [VIDEO]

What do you get when you leave lil sweet Asian boys home alone with nothing but Beyonce music and a snuggie to entertain them?

A hot dance tribute!

When Ton Do-Nguyen uploaded his tribute video Beyonc?’s “Countdown” video, he had no idea it would be seen by anyone other than his friends and family. But his meticulous shot for shot recreation quickly went viral and has not gotten the stamp of approval from Queen B herself!

Watch the video below and GET YO LIFE!!!


“For each specific part, I would just look on YouTube and try and get it down to a T in front of my mirror and go off and film it,” Ton explained. “It’s so tiring, and do you know what it’s like to be in a Snuggie in the middle of July?”

And while the sleeved blanket was originally used merely as a fashion statement to set the two clips apart, Ton revealed that the body-length fleece ended up serving useful in the production as well: “I used my Snuggie as a blue screen and wore a blue shirt and then I just did my thing.” (source)

And in case you’re wondering what Bey thought of it all, she posted the following response on her Tumblr:

Now compare both versions side by side:

What do you think of Do-Nguyen’s “Countdown” recreation?