Here’s the thing… if you don’t love you who will? ?I ask that because these days women are doing just about every and anything to reach what they view is “perfection”.

From nose jobs, to lipo, to breast implants… there is nothing that can’t be ?cosmetically “fixed” by going under a knife or a needle. But how far is?too far?

In addition to things that are seen by the world, ie… your bodacious bootay or your buxom bosom, there are some things that should only be viewed by a select few… and in my opinion, your ‘powder puff,’ ‘taco,’ ‘beaver,’ ‘chocha,’ ‘punany,’ or whatever you choose to call it is one of ’em.

[Sidebar: While many have speculated that Beyonce?hired a surrogate to forego the risks of forever ruining her figure (and her vajayjay), her photos are merely being used?for demonstrative purposes.]

Nowadays, in addition to butt injections and botox, there are woman who feel that after years of pounding, their flowers aren’t as vibrant as they once were and the petals need to be revitalized.?So plastic surgery has moved to the nether regions, and there are actually women out there willing to risk life and limb for a “pretty” cooch.

Many men have lied, cheated and killed for it, but is there a such thing as the “perfect” vagina?

Care to find out??Watch video below (WARNING: Graphic Content)…

VIDEO: The Perfect Vagina (Documentary)

In this honest, witty and compassionate film Lisa Rogers tries to find out why more and more women are considering vaginal surgery for either aesthetic or cultural reasons.

Labioplasty, as the surgical procedure is called, is offered for a variety of reasons. There are some women who say they seek the surgery because wearing tight clothes or riding a bike is uncomfortable, while others say they just don’t like the way theirs looks and are embarrassed in front of a sexual partner.

I ran across a documentary on the subject and thought it would be interesting to share.

The woman featured choose to undergo surgery to create “perfect” genitalia even when confronted with a ?shocking? lack of information on the potential risks of the procedure, a report says.

Research published in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology also questions the very notion of aesthetically pleasing genitals.

Operations to improve the appearance of the sex organs for both psychological and physical reasons are on the rise. But surgeons said the report overplayed the risks of an established procedure.

Researchers from University College London reviewed all the existing studies on cosmetic labial surgery ? which generally involves reducing the amount of tissue that protrudes from the lips which cover the vagina. They found there had been little work to document any longer-term side effects.

First butt injections and now this. Pretty soon there will be some tranny in the alley offering these services for free too and I can put money on it that y’all will be buying!

Is there even a such thing as a “perfect” vajayjay?

…and why does it matter so much to some people?