Where’s Beyonce? Queen B Baby Bump Watch 2011 [NEW PHOTOS]

When Beyonce officially announced her pregnancy, she was photographed every other day flouncing around NYC in 6 inch Louboutins, and now we can barely find a recent photo of her.

While new photos of a “fat faced” Beyonce have surfaced,? it doesn’t stop the conspiracy theories regarding Beyonce’s controversial baby bump.

Check out these two “blind” items and let me know if you “see” what I “see”…

Blind Item #1

She was brought in from outside the United States. She only speaks Spanish (or Portuguese?), and has a child who is approximately Kindergarten age. She is fairly attractive, looks like she is in her late twenties, and has thick, dark brown hair and medium-colored skin.

You probably wouldn?t notice her if she was walking down the street. However, it doesn?t really matter what she looks like, as she is simply?the Surrogate for a baby that is a genetic combination of the soon-to-be Mom and Dad.

The Surrogate is currently living on the Lower West Side of Manhattan with her first child in a very nice apartment. She is not married, and does not really know anyone in New York, but she does want to stay here once the birth is over.? The apartment is being paid for by the Couple. The Surrogate is well-cared for by a full-time staff person and there is always a doctor or nurse on call. She looks like she is approximately eight months pregnant, and is clearly much bigger than the Mom, who is simply playing pregnant.

By the way, the Mom was physically capable of bearing her own child, but she didn?t want to ?ruin? her body. (ONTD)

Blind Item # 2

Well, this certainly has been the most incredible pregnancy ever! Bellies growing and shrinking! Breasts swelling and flattening! Prosthetics flopping and popping! Frankly, all this trickery is exhausting, and hasn’t been nearly as convincing as she hoped it would be.

Therefore, Floppy will be keeping a low profile for the next month. So, she’s not really pregnant, but there will be a baby soon. And Floppy has been very busy behind the scenes shaking that baby money tree! Some money is going out (payments to medical professionals who will swear that they were there for the birth), but much, much more money will be coming in.

She will be making money off of the fake story of the baby’s birth (which will be a C-section for Real Mommy but a ‘vaginal’ delivery for Floppy). And more money off of the baby photos. And the story of how important it is to her that she “breast-feeds” her baby. And the story of how she lost the “baby weight.” And the photos of her “new” body (with no stretch marks!) achieved with grueling workouts and healthy eating. And more stories about how amazingly fast she got back into shape and got back to work.

What an incredible woman! Hey, there’s serious money to be made off of this baby, and you can be sure that Floppy will ‘milk’ it for all it’s worth. (source)

I’m still *giggling* at them referring to the person as “floppy”. Who on earth could they be speaking of…

[READ: BUSTED?!? Did Beyonce’s Baby Bump Deflate on LIVE TV? ~ VIDEO]

Beyonce stated in her most recent 20/20 interview that all the deception is only for the safety of her unborn child. She clearly doesn’t want you STANS to know her “true” due date and it’s causing quite a bit of speculation as to if she’s truly knocked up.

I for one… think she is. But there is definitely room reasonable doubt.

What are your thoughts on Beyonce’s baby bump speculations?