Apparently the pilgrim lady was fighting mad about Usher parking his expensive gas guzzling limousine in a parking spot reserved for the handicapped, so much so that she had to be pulled away by 5 or 6 bystanders.
Fortunately for Ursh, Elvis was also standing nearby and he saved the popular crooner’s life all while holding on to a magical can of Pabst Blue Ribbon beer.
Yeah… I know this story sounds like total bullsh*t, but I promise… I could never make up a story this crazy!
Usher was in was bull-rushed in the middle of a crowded parking lot in ATL last weekend — by an angry woman looking to fight the singer for parking in a handicap spot … and TMZ has the footage.
Eyewitnesses tell us .. Usher had just arrived to the Little 5 Points Halloween Parade (hence the guy in the Elvis costume) when the woman saw U’s SUV parked in a handicap spot.
We’re told the woman demanded the singer move his car — but Usher refused and she went ballistic … screaming, flailing her arms, and grabbing Usher’s hoodie.
At one point, she screams, “You don’t belong here!”
Sources say the woman’s husband eventually dragged her away from the scene — and Usher drove away not long after.
Attempts to reach Usher’s people were not successful.
I know violence is never the answer, but I swear when I watched the video I prayed for Usher (or Elvis) to smack that broad one good time.