Facebook Public Service Announcement… “LIKE MAH STATUS!”

Asking someone to “LIKE” your Facebook status is almost as annoying as tweeting someone asking them to “FOLLOW ME” on the Twittah.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m sure there are several other social media annoyances like those chicks who pose bucked naked in the bathroom mirror everyday seeking online validation, but I digress.

I dunno how I ever missed Miles Jai‘s classic Facebook PSA, but he manages to puts all you annoying “Like Mah Status” b*tches on blast with this interpretative performance art piece.

All you avid “Face-bookers” probably already “LIKED” this hilarious video, but for those of you who haven’t seen it yet YOU HAVE GOTS to watch…

?VIDEO: Like Mah Status

And yes… there’s even a “LIKE MAH STATUS” music video! I f*ckin LIVE! 🙂

What PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT would you “LIKE” to make on Facebook and/or Twitter?

FYI: I spotted this colorful character after he was listed as DListed’s Hot Slut of The Day (do they get an award for that or something?)