Twitter Makes 14 Year Old AMBER COLE A Lil Too Famous…

Imagine if twitter, facebook and cell phones with video were around when you were 14 years old.

If all the dumb decisions you made as a teen were caught on tape, would you be a different person today?

Well, one young lady by the name of Amber Cole found out first hand just how “social” social networking can be after she became a WORLDWIDE trending topic last night on Twitter.

Amber became the the most popular subject online WORLDWIDE last night after being featured in a video that went viral.

In the video, Amber is shown on her knees servicing one of her classmates with a style that could rival Superhead, and while sex tapes usually make people famous, this 14 year old girl seems to be in for a world of hurt.

Of course Amber immediately suffered the backlash of her “internet celebrity,” and is rumored to be struggling with cyber-bullying teens (and adults) who have labeled her a hoe and a hoodrat.

As 14 year old Cole is giving…ummm… “brain” to a fellow student outside what appears to be the doors of a school, another male is shown sitting and watching. There’s also, of course, at least one other person there… the one who was taping it on his phone!

Amber’s name became an instant trending topic last night, sparking a huge debate over the legalities of such a video being online.

At first I was torn about even blogging about it, but since Amber made it known she had a twitter account and begged several celebs to follow her, I figured it should be no big deal.

Here’s the thing… Amber is still only 14 year’s old, FOURTEEN!

Can you possibly think of anything SMART that you did at that age? 😕

I’ll wait.

I know I personally made some huge mistakes at that age and I THANK GOD everyday that there weren’t camera phones around to tape ’em, BUT I guess most people online are as pure as the driven snow and NEVER did anything that could ever be considered “whoreish” or “hoodratish”.

Amber may have looked like a pro doing it with “no hands” but at the end of the day… she’s still a 14 year old kid. A 14 year old kid who gives head on camera, but a KID nonetheless!

Her parents are more at fault than she is at this point. So let’s try to cut Amber a lil bit of slack.

Share your thoughts about this whole AMBER COLE situation.

Is this teen a victim or does she deserve what she gets?