Facebook Fail… Are These Your Daughters? [FOR DISCUSSION]

This ain’t cute at all! ?This photo was posted on Facebook and Tumblr recently of two pregnant teen girls. The caption read, “Two pregnant BFF’s 15 and 14 years old…”

I instantly thought of the story I wrote last year about 90 girls in one school’s student population who were all pregnant at the same time.

[READ: 90 Teens Pregnant at 1 Memphis High school ~ VIDEO]

October ?has been designated as “Let’s Talk” month so that we can at least get the conversation started with our teens.? This discussion needs to be had with BOTH boys and girls because… DUH! it takes both to make a baby.

Bringing a new life into the world is a beautiful thing that should not be taken lightly. Many teen moms and dads are ill equipped to care for that new life and are forced into poverty stricken conditions.? Is that what we want for our next generation?

Georgia has the 13th highest teen pregnancy rate in the country. Preventing teen pregnancy often starts by changing circumstances and inspiring young people.? Being that teens are posting photos like this online, pregnancy at such a young age is clearly becoming more acceptable in their culture and we need to do something quick, fast and in a hurry!

What are your thoughts about this duel teen pregnancy pic?

For more information about “Let’s Talk” Month:

GCAPP (The Georgia Campaign for Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention)

Planned Parenthood