For Discussion: Mommy Dearest Wants You To Know…

The photo above circulated online recently, sparking comments like “Parent of the Year,” “Somebody need to report her ass” and “Bad parenting 4 life.”

While I don’t personally believe a photo alone can adequately assess the parental skills of a particular person, this photo could definitely skew one’s opinion in negative way.

The chick in the photo noticed it on, where I’d attached the caption “So she put Lil man on time out to send a butt shot to her boo? #WhereDayDoThatAT #youchicksneedJesus #Call911” and left a series of message on StraightFromTheA’s Facebook page crying fowl.

While I’m not the originator of the photograph, I felt it only fair that I give her a say in the matter, and in response to the caption, she wrote:

No I didn’t send nothing to a boo. I just didn’t want him looking at me so I told him to turn his head. An asfar as being reported to anyone I doubt that it would really be fucked up if I just let him look at me taking a pic of myself it’s fish scale here y’all don’t have shit else to do but try an rag on someone an I didn’t even post this pic someone stole it so I’m bout to report that…. Man I tell you some people don’t have shit to do I would have completly over looked this a women with swimwear on really get over it. Pesients

But wait… she’s not finished…

An it was for black beach an wanted to see what my HOMIgirl thought about it before I bought it but I see she not a friend to leak it an I’m reporting this site to FB I have a job an a son I don’t need this shit so remove it are your site will go down bum ass

Hold up… wait! First she said it was “stolen” and then she comes back with she sent it to a “HOMIgirl” (whatever that is?) and her friend leaked it. *sigh*

Somebody better tell her that resorting to name calling and threats won’t shake me!? But whatever the case, I tried to get clarification of just what she wanted…

So… Lemme get this straight. You’re mad because you sent this ratched “A”zz picture to one of your “girlfriends” who apparently thought it was funny enough to put online? Yeah… i guess in addition to having your son look away while you pose in a bikini, you’re also bright enough to know that once you send a pic it belongs to the recipient.

Your “Friend” male or female, played you out so maybe you should put HIM (oops or her) on blast. That should be easy enough… that is, if you only sent it to one person. You might also wanna report the gazillion other people who posted it on Tumblr. SMH… it’s all bad anyway you look at it boo.

And yes… since she’s now officially a member of the StraightFromTheA fanclub, chick responded to my response:

I’m not mad at all I’m fucking insane. Because this was a personal pic to a Homgirl!!!!!!!! An she posted it on he FB album. Yeah an like a child has never saw you in a bikini????? An we all got some ratched in us lol… This shit crazy.I guess I should have left him outside while I took the pic????? I bet y’all say yes hah??? So he could be running around snatched up are maybe even break something….

They didn’t have cars outside.. Now that’s the type of things you call Dfacs. An yes I was really glad to be in that two piece after having five kids an beating cancer I’m really just glad to be hear to put mine in time out. Atleast I have mine with me all of them… Now thats POINT,BLANK,PERIOD!!!!!!!

If someone didn’t reach out to me I would have never known but ha. What y’all say don’t make me shit an you damn sure not around the by five pairs of jordans an can’t find nobody when these bills come around lmao… It’s cool say what you feel… I GIVE TWO FUCKS… that blk ppl shit don’t mean anything to these people.. Along as we keep being messy we gonna stay chained down an we do that to eachother I mean really since y’all have so much to say take y’all asses down to DFACS an show it to them… An come back an let me know what they say ok??? Since this soooo VIP to you to be writing short stories.

I probably shoulda edited her reponses for clarity but I couldn’t figure out half of what she meant anyway. I did, however, remove her name to protect her “privacy” but being as though she posted these comments in public on StraightFromTheA’s facebook page… in her real name, I don’t really think it matters much.

What do you think about the photo and her response?