Troy Davis Executed ~ Big Boi & Killer Mike Document Protests in Photos & Video *UPDATED*

Troy Davis, 42, spent 22 years on death row for the shooting death of Savannah police Officer Mark PacPhail in 1989 but he was freed on September 22, 2011 when the State of Georgia carried out the death penalty.

Davis was pronounced dead at 11:08 p.m. last night, but his execution did not put to rest widespread doubts about whether he committed the crime for which he was punished.

Davis’ case was one of the most bitterly contested and controversial in Georgia history, as he has always maintained his innocence even to the final seconds of his death.

While Casey Anthony is somewhere sippin on a slurpie free as a bird, while the daughter she was accused of murdering lies in a grave, Troy Davis was murdered by our “justice system” even though huge doubt exists in his guilt.

As Davis was strapped to the lethal-injection gurney last night, he addressed the family of his alleged victim, stating:

“The incident that night was not my fault, I did not have a gun… I did not personally kill your son, father and brother. I am innocent.”

He then said “for those about to take my life, may God have mercy on your souls, may God bless your souls.”

Prior to Davis’ execution, protestors rallied outside the Georgia State Capital and thousands marched on the jail in Jackson, County Georgia where the execution was to take place.

Reverend Al Sharpton was amongst the protestors praying for a stay of execution that never came, as well as Antwan “Big Boi” Patton, Killer Mike, and many more.

Big Boi kept the world informed of the events through his twitter account, providing live minute-by-minute coverage throughout the protest.

VIDEO: Big Boi Documents Troy Davis Execution Protest
The visuals of the protest were a chilling reminder of the civil rights movement of the 60’s…

Armed guards stand by as peaceful protest continues…

Killer Mike rallys for change…

I’ve read about the Troy Davis case over the years, but was never fully aware of the racial implications of his case until now.

Considering the fact that time and time again “non-Black” individuals are treated differently by a justice system that we ALL have to abide by, one would hope and pray for equal treatment.

People like Casey Anthony get off for murder and convicted killers like Charles Manson (who has confessed to his crime and is often called “the most dangerous man alive”) are allowed to serve out the remainder of their lives behind bars.

A timeline of the main events in Davis’ legal saga (review here) that has dragged on for over 20 years, made Davis a poster child for death penalty abolitionists, unfortunately his sentence was carried out despite millions of signatures from all across the country.

Where is the justice in that?

Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. ~ Martin Luther King Jr.

Major kudos to Big Boi, KillerMike, Reverend Al Sharpton and the thousands of protestors who traveled to Jackson, Georgia to save the life of Troy Davis. After 22 years Davis is finally free, but our battle for justice continues daily.

*UPDATED w/video of Big Boi & Killer Mike speaking to college students about the Troy Davis Case.

VIDEO: Big Boi & Killer Mike Speak to College Students