Boo’d Up ~ Bow Wow and Angela Simmons Give It Another Try? [PHOTOS]

Bow Wow was spotted chilling front and center with his ex-boo (and possibly his NEXT boo) Angela Simmons.

Simmons celebrated her 24th birthday with her on again/off again boyfriend by her side at club PLAY in Miami. The cute couple were also spotted chilling on the beach in MIA (view photos HERE).

As you know, Bow Wow fathered a child, a daughter named “Shai” and finally admitted it via an open letter where he revealed he’d been suicidal.? Since then, Bow Wow has accepted his daughter wholeheartedly and even tatted her name on his hand.

Judging from these pics, apparently Bow Wow still had Angela in his heart throughout it all. Who knows? Maybe they’ll work it out…

Is turning an EX boo into your NEXT boo a smart move?


In case you missed it:

New Photos of Bow Wow?s Daughter Shai + His Newest Tattoo? [PHOTOS]

Spotted: Bow Wow & His Daughter Shai? [PHOTOS]

They Say: Bow Wow is NOT the Father on Daughter’s Birth Certificate…

Bow Wow?s Mom Wants You To Know? [Response to NYPost “BLIND ITEM”]